Other Information on Careers Planning
The LDSC provides strategic industry intelligence to the Department of Training and Workforce Development and the Office of the State Training Board and as such we do not provide training or career counselling services ourselves. However, if you are interested in a career in one of the Transport, Logistics, Defence or Defence Industries consider visiting our industry sectors pages to learn more about the occupations and skills in demand. You can also click on our Careers Pathway Booklets which will help prospective students identify their future training pathway.
The Vet Qualifications for Secondary Students Register
The VET qualifications register for secondary students provides industry intelligence for schools and RTOs on the suitability and delivery requirements of qualifications to be undertaken by secondary students, with the aim of assisting schools and RTOs to select qualifications that would best facilitate the transition of students from school to the workplace, or to further training opportunities.
Click here for more information on the register.
For information regarding careers, training and employment advice we encourage you to reach out to the following organisations:
Click here for more information on the register.
For information regarding careers, training and employment advice we encourage you to reach out to the following organisations:
Information on Careers and Training Opportunities
- Jobs and Skills Centres - A careers and training resources hub providing advice on career planning, looking for work or deciding on training
- Naval Shipbuilding College – established by Federal Government to liaise with RTOs to ensure a suitable trained workforce is available as we build our future naval fleet.
- National Register of VET (Training.gov.au) – Latest on VET training.
- MySkills – Information on available courses, training providers and to find out what jobs match your skills.
- Training.gov.au - Provides information on the qualifications available and which RTOs are scoped to deliver them in WA.
- My Future - Lots of info including an area where you can input details about you and myfuture will help to select a career for you.
- Youth.gov.au - Government website for youth information, services, resources and entertainment.
- Job Outlook - Information on different occupations and careers, job prospects, weekly earnings, type of work etc.
- Careers Online - Information on how to job hunt, carry out career research and how to write a resume.
- Rural Skills Australia – Provides regional career information.
- The Career Key - Career development website guided by the three principles of knowing yourself, knowing your options and making a good decision.
- National Skills Commission: where do you look for a job? - this page provides an overview of where to look to source new jobs.
- What's Next - Useful information for workers facing retrenchment or looking for new career opportunities.
- Working in Australia - Information on skilled migration and work visas.
- Australian Jobs - Information to support students, career advisers, job seekers, those considering future training and work and people interested in labour market issues.
Information on Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- The Apprenticeship Office - Everything you need to know about apprenticeships and traineeships.
- Australian Apprenticeship and Traineeship Information Service – Information and resources for Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Information on Employment Opportunities
- Australian Job Search - Excellent general employment website for all of WA. Updated daily by Centrelink it includes lots of available apprenticeships and traineeships.
- Career One - Career advice, job hunting tips and company profiles can be found at the Career One website.
- Seek Career Resources - Employment website for professional and general employment.
- Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) - Information on Australia's workplace relations system, workplace training, transition to work and conditions and values in the workplace.
- Fair Work Online -I nformation on Australia's workplace relations system, all aspects of employment laws, workers rights and employer rights.
We are always updating our useful contacts section, so remember to check back regularly for updated links; or contact the LDSC directly if you feel your organisation should be listed here
Transport and Logistics Industries Guide